Marketing Tips

Veterinary marketing is a PROCESS that requires careful planning and strategic development. Marketing TACTICS without a strategy is like throwing a bunch of misguided darts. Instead, marketing efforts should be based on careful analysis of market TRENDS and OPPORTUNITIES. Read the following sections to avoid some common marketing mistakes.

Client satisfaction

Dissatisfied clients

Events and promotions

Marketing goals and objectives

Measuring results



Referral source cultivation


Practice events and promotions

Promotions are not the same as marketing. Marketing is focused on LONG-TERM practice GROWTH – while promotions are intended to produce short-term results. Examples of promotions include special offers, discounts and special events. Make sure you know exactly what your practice is trying to accomplish with any type of promotion.

Consider focusing on a particular segment or group of pet owners for best – and easier to measure -- results. Also consider COLLABORATING with other businesses that service pet owners and that can help extend your reach and reduce cost.

Finally, take a close look at how to OPTIMIZE each promotion by creating a NEXT STEP. For example, use the promotion to generate website traffic, newsletter sign up or clinic visit. Tips for planning effective promotions.