Marketing Tips

Veterinary marketing is a PROCESS that requires careful planning and strategic development. Marketing TACTICS without a strategy is like throwing a bunch of misguided darts. Instead, marketing efforts should be based on careful analysis of market TRENDS and OPPORTUNITIES. Read the following sections to avoid some common marketing mistakes.

Client satisfaction

Dissatisfied clients

Events and promotions

Marketing goals and objectives

Measuring results



Referral source cultivation



Practices often wonder why some practices always seem to be in the news media -- or why some veterinarians are always getting quoted.

Generating publicity through the local media is easy. Information must be NEWSWORTHY and relevant to a station's, publication's or website's audience. If the message is commercial or self-serving , the media won't touch it. But if you have information that is timely and of value to readers, listeners and viewers, then getting into local media is pretty easy once you identify your media targets, identify your news item and properly prepare it for media distribution. As they say, timing is everything and that's certainly true when it comes to local publicity placement.

Read more on getting your story into your local media. 

When possible, publicity should be connected to some type of "call to action" -- workshop attendance, info on your website, etc. Publicity is typically not effective for generating new clients, but it CAN be effective in building broad awareness and credibility OVER TIME.